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2013 - The year for some really great memories. And here's hoping 2014 will only add to the pile of good things. |
But you know, 2013 was one of my better years in recent memory - mostly because I decreed it to be the Year of the Fangirl and here’s the tweet to prove it:
HAPPY NEW YEAR Y'ALL!! #YearOfTheFangirl #HappyNewYear
— Chrissy (@wildcat_media) January 1, 2013
Meaning that I was going to indulge in fannish delights and let the world sort itself out (or blow itself up - whatever it decided it wanted to do). I guess since 2012 was such a colossal disappointment, I was tired of having high expectations for the year and I was envious of the people who didn’t seem to care that things were going to hell - so I decided to be one of those people. The result: The Most Fun I’ve Had In a Good Long While.(People talk about how pessimism is so damaging and terrible, but I think it was the best thing I ever did! What’s the phrase? Now that I’ve given up hope, I feel much better).
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Giving Reality the finger, one fanfic and Tumblr reblog at a time. |
- Speaking of conventions - this year I went to not one, but TWO conventions! The first I’d had planned for nearly a year previous and that was Gallifrey One in Los Angeles. Meeting best friends I didn’t even know I had along with meeting stars of my favorite TV show - what could be more fun? (maybe going two years in a row would do it - fingers crossed!)
Oh, I know! Having the announcement a month later that Salt Lake City would be getting its very own Comic Con! And after all the success and fun of that initial con - it turned into two! Recently, they announced that Salt Lake Comic Con would be expanding into two annual events, FanXperience in April and the regular Comic Con in the fall. After being kind of an anomaly in this little niche culture we have in Utah, it’s nice to be recognized and appreciated for the growing demographic we are (and telling the scrapbooker, the outdoor retailer, and bridal conventions to suck it doesn't feel too bad either).
- Movies and books are always a hot topic in my life and 2013 was no exception. A Memory of Light closed out “The Wheel of Time” in spectacular fashion. I took on the Goodreads Challenge to read (and review on Goodreads) 100 books by the end of the year (which I accomplished in October - clearly, I need to set a higher mark for myself) and I found some lovely little reads (and some not-so-lovely, but that’s part of the fun). But another book I discovered this year was Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell (quite appropriate, don’t you think?) And it’s all about fandom and being in a fandom and finding your way through real life while hanging onto fandom. It’s perfect!
On the movie front - Marvel had some stellar entries with Iron Man 3 (shut up, it was good) and Thor: The Dark World. And count me as someone who actually enjoyed Star Trek Into Darkness (I guess I don’t have all the fanboy history to get all up-in-arms about whatever the problems were) and I did enjoy Man of Steel as well. Ender’s Game and Catching Fire were great too.
- Okay, so the BIG event of 2013 (and one that I spent extensive time talking about - not just here, but on Tumblr, Twitter, and on Traveling the Vortex through feedback) was the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who. Between episode reviews/recaps and Librarian in the TARDIS and general geeking out over all things Who - I think that was a huge part of why 2013 was so great. And the future of Doctor Who seems to be secure for the foreseeable future, so there will be plenty of wonderful delights to take part in soon - but the look back to the past this year was more fun than I can express. Honestly, The Year of the Fangirl would not have been such a personal success without Doctor Who and for that I am extremely grateful.
So now, 2014. I haven’t had a great track record with even-numbered years lately, but I’m ready. The fangirling won’t stop and neither will the snark. So if you're expecting any of this to taper off... sorry - not happening!
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