(What can I say? I don't want to spoil anybody who doesn't want to be spoiled)
Ready? The title is (drumroll....)
"The Doctor's Wife."
I'm calling it now! I think they're going to pull a "Doctor's Daughter" thing here with this. Or, more likely, "The Next Doctor," seeing as how it's be really weird if the Doctor married a clone of himself (though, I don't know - after the little "Space" and "Time" clips... Never mind. I'm not going down that path).
Either way, this is going to be a case of the title says one thing, you're meant to think that one thing, but it ends up NOT being that one thing but still fits From a Certain Point of View. I am fairly certain that there's a twist to this. I haven't the faintest idea of what that twist will be, but I am excited to find out.
(Although, the "twist" could be that we're expecting the twist to come, but it'll really be as straightforward as the title says - we'll actually meet the Doctor's wife. Now, that'll be really cruel. ARGH! Why isn't it April yet???)
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