Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Get Me the "Instant No Button" - STAT!

American Girl is "retiring" the Felicity doll!

First they retire Kirsten, now the spunky colonial redhead?  But we can have that stupid hippie chick and call it history? (For the record - the eagles haven't done anything for me lately).

I'm actually pretty upset about this - I have the Kirsten doll (got it for Christmas when I was ten), but I've always wanted the Felicity doll too.  You know, without Felicity's time period, there wouldn't be an "American" Girl dolls collection.  It'd be the British Commonwealth States of something-something... who the heck knows.  But this is ridiculous.  If you're going to scrap the historical dolls in favor of the present-day large-format Barbie dolls, do it all in one fell swoop - stop this stupid whittling-it-down-one-piece-at-a-time crap.

This is not the American Girl of my childhood.  I rue the day that Pleasant Company sold out to Mattel.

(for fellow mourners - the Instant No Button.)

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